The film “The distant land of Siberia Why March 25, 1949?” now is available with English subtitles. The film was shown on Latvian Television 1 on March 25, 2021.
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The film “The distant land of Siberia Why March 25, 1949?” now is available with English subtitles. The film was shown on Latvian Television 1 on March 25, 2021.
Continue reading “The distant land of Siberia Why March 25, 1949?”
The number of works submitted for the 2022 competition is indeed a considerable total of 439
paintings and drawings for all age groups. Undoubtedly, students, teachers, including parents,
who have promoted the involvement of children and young people, go deep into the difficult
topics of Latvia’s history. In the continuous and inexhaustible flow of information, it is important
that someone is able to speak more deeply. Looking at the works of children and young people,
it is impossible not to think about the reality that we are all “breathing in the back of our head”
today, in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its consequences. It remains
almost physically unfortunate, noticing a frighteningly similar episode, a situation embedded in
the drawing that seems to have just been seen in one of the current news channels.
Even as adults, it is impossible for us to step out to distance ourselves and try to grasp what is
happening so fast. What happens to children, in the minds of very young people, when they
begin to notice a certain “repetition of history” in a geographical area close to them, we can
only guess. The members of the jury are also just people. People who are most addressed in
children’s work by direct emotionality, a confident handwriting and a composition whose
persuasiveness lies in the true desire to tell the “Siberian story” more clearly. When evaluating
the works not for the first year, it must be repeatedly admitted that the works submitted by the
youngest and middle group children are the most disarming. There, the participant has not yet
been overwhelmed by the paralyzing fear of drawing a “wrong” hand, foot or nose, but the main
thing is to feel the “skin” of the event, which opens a living expression. A child’s talent (and
well, if delicately guided by a skilled teacher) then allows for stroke dynamics, saturated active
or restrained coloring – depending on intent. Imaginations created by the imagination of events
have come to this day through the stories of eyewitnesses. The children of the older group,
who are naturally expected to have both a more thorough understanding of history and a more
mature focus on the technical performance of their work, can no longer “get through” with thenaive directness of childhood. Painting and graphics also demonstrate not only the
management of means of expression but also thinking. Therefore, the jury is pleased to find a
rather rare, but noteworthy, original view of the topic each time.
The competition is a competition, it highlights the brightest examples, but it should be borne in
mind that behind each of the other works there is a certain young person who has for some
time hindered his or her thoughts on a topic important to the Latvian nation. Probably thinking
about where we come from and where we go.Ieva Jurjāne, artist
Winners of the 2022 composition competition
Group 1
1st place. Nellija Tiesnese
2nd place. Elizabete Mieze
3rd place. Elizabeth Vasilyeva
Group 2
1st place. Linda Kalniņa
2nd place. Marianna Laime-Babre
3rd place. Paula Bička
Group 3
1st place. Denise Marta Medinika
2nd place. Klaudija Dembovska
3rd place. Anna Jansone
Special awards
Dzintra Geka-Vaska – Gabriela Misiņa, Emīlija Gūtmane
Ina Druviete – Ilya Alexeyenko
Kaspars Pūce – Amanda Blūma, Līga Zaremba, Evelīna Paula Ķerķe
Aivars Ozoliņš – Ance Luīze Bumbiere, Dita Hadaņonoka
Elita Veidemane – Rēzija Romanovska, Elīza Kurcalte
Valdis Lūriņš – Emīls Zandersons, Loreta Lazdiņa
Undine Adamaite – Eva Evelina Klavina
Liveta Sprūde-Kalme – Everita Lapeško, Alina Maškovska
About the Siberian Children’s Drawing Competition.
The number of works submitted for the 2022 competition is indeed a considerable total of 439 paintings and drawings for all age groups. Undoubtedly, students’ teachers, including parents, who have promoted the involvement of children and young people, go deep into the difficult topics of Latvia’s history. In the continuous and inexhaustible flow of information, it is important that someone is able to speak more deeply. Looking at the works of children and young people, it is impossible not to think about the reality that we are all “breathing in the back of our eyes” today, in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its consequences. It remains almost physically unfortunate, noticing a frighteningly similar episode, a situation embedded in the drawing that seems to have just been seen in one of the current news channels. Even as adults, it is impossible for us to step out to distance ourselves and try to grasp what is happening so fast. What happens to children, in the minds of very young people, when they begin to notice a certain “repetition of history” in a geographical area close to them, we can only guess. The members of the jury are also just people. People who are most addressed in children’s work by direct emotionality, a confident “handwriting” and a composition whose persuasiveness lies in the true desire to tell the “Siberian story” more clearly. When evaluating the works not for the first year, it must be repeatedly admitted that the works submitted by the youngest and middle group children are the most disarming. There, the participant has not yet been overwhelmed by the paralyzing fear of drawing a “wrong” hand, foot or nose, but the main thing is to feel the “skin” of the event, which opens a living expression. A child’s talent (and well, if delicately guided by a skilled teacher) then allows for stroke dynamics, saturated active or restrained coloring – depending on intent. Imaginations created by the imagination of events that
have come to this day through the stories of eyewitnesses. The older group of children, who are naturally expected to have both a more thorough understanding of history and a more mature focus on the technical performance of their work, can no longer “get through” with the naive directness of childhood. Painting and
graphics also demonstrate not only the management of means of expression but also thinking. Therefore, the jury is pleased to find a rather rare, but noteworthy, original view of the topic each time.
The competition is a competition, it highlights the brightest examples, but it should be borne in mind that behind each of the other works there is a certain young person who has for some time hindered his or her thoughts on a topic important to the Latvian nation. Probably thinking about where we come from and where we go.Ieva Jurjāne, artist
2022 drawing competition for students
“Children of Siberia 1941/1949”
Group 1 (6 – 10 years)
1st place Sofia Shabanova
2nd place Timur Lapkovsky
3rd place Emil Kroich
Special awards
Līvija Apsīte (special award presented by Regīna Deičmane)
Matīss Leinis (special award presented by Regīna Deičmane)
Nils and Ieva Mets (special award presented by Dzintra Geka)
Mark Zvejnieks (special award presented by Giors Geks)
Group 2 (11 – 14 years)
1st place Raivis Svētiņš
2nd place Megija LuīzeTūtiņa
3rd place Līva Amberga
Special awards
Liele Dergachova (special award presented by Mara Alena)
Dairis Permanickis (special award presented by Linda Lūse)
Evelīna Neilande (special award presented by Ieva Jurjāne)
Group 3 (15 – 19 years)
1st place Dagmara Dumbra-Dumbrovskis
2nd place Patricia Žaimunde
3rd place Angelika Percova
Special awards
Daniela Ryabova (special award presented by Roberts Muzis)
Rihards Knostenbergs (special award presented by Ieva Jurjāne)
2021. gada 17. decembrī plkst.12.00 notika jaunās grāmatas “Sibīrijas bērni 1949” atvēršana Okupācijas muzejā. Piedāvājam noskatīties šī pasākuma videoierakstu
Fonds “Sibīrijas bērni” ir sagatavojis ceļojošo izstādi video formātā.
Ceļojošā izstāde pieejama arī PDF formātā
2021. gada 17. decembrī Latviešu biedrības namā notika koncerts “Ziemassvētku stāsti”
Jānis Lūsēns – klavieres
Zigfrīds Muktupāvels -vokāls
Koncerta otrajā daļā notika sadziedāšanās, dziedāja un spēlēja Jānis Ļūmanis– akordeons.
1949. gada 25. martā no Latvijas uz Sibīriju tika izsūtīti vairāk kā 42129 cilvēki. Lielā slepenībā vienas dienas laikā tika izsūtīts 31 vilciena sastāvs ar lopu vagoniem. Aicinam visus piedalīties atceres pasākumos.
12:30 gājiens no Latvijas Okupācijas muzeja uz Brīvības pieminekli.
19:00 bezmaksas piemiņas koncerts «Aizvestajiem» Rīgas Sv. Jāņa baznīcā. Dziedās jauktais koris SŌLA
21.55 LTV1 aicinām noskatīties filmu “Tālā zeme Sibīrija. Kapēc 1949. gada 25. marts?”
Konkursa organizētājs
Komunistiskā terora upuru atbalsta un palīdzības fonds “Sibīrijas bērni”, Reģ. Nr. 4000805769, Graudu 41a, Rīga, LV–1058.
Ar šo konkursu vēlamies rosināt skolēnos interesi par Latvijas vēsturi, par 1941. gada 14. jūnija deportāciju, kuras rezultātā cieta 15425 Latvijas iedzīvotāji, par 1949. gada deportāciju, kad uz Sibīriju tika aizvesti vairāk kā 42 tūkstoši cilvēku. Par 1944. gadu, kad atkārtotas deportācijas draudu un frontes tuvošanās iespaidā vairāk kā 200 tūkstošu Latvijas pilsoņu devās bēgļu gaitās uz rietumiem. Vēlamies mudināt skolēnus izzināt mūsu valsts un savas ģimenes vēsturi, stiprināt skolēnos patriotisma jūtas un piederības sajūtu Latvijai.
Krievijas iebrukums Ukrainā šī gada februāra beigās un melos pamatotā kara darbība skaudri liek apjaust, ka ir neapšaubāmi svarīgi zināt un izprast savas valsts vēsturi, lai mums blakus augtu un dzīvotu domājoši un patstāvīgi jaunieši. Zināt savas ģimenes un valsts vēsturi, nozīmē spēt redzēt likumsakarības, spēt nepakļauties maldīgai informācijai un būt lepnam par savu valsti un tās brīvību. Continue reading “Sacerējumu konkurss skolēniem līdz 2022. gada 10. maijam”
Lai pievērstu sabiedrības uzmanību Latvijas vēsturei, 1941. gada 14. jūnija un 1949. gada 25. marta vardarbīgajām un nelikumīgajām piespiedus izsūtīšanām uz Sibīriju.
Konkursa organizētājs
Komunistiskā terora upuru atbalsta un palīdzības fonds “Sibīrijas bērni”, Reģ. Nr. 4000805769, Graudu 41a, Rīga, LV–1058.
Konkursa izsludināšanas kārtība
Konkursu izsludina, nosūtot nolikumu uz Latvijas vispārizglītojošo, mākslas un diasporas skolu e–pastiem.
Konkursa tēma
Konkursa kopējā tēma ir Latvijas vēsture – 1941. un 1949. gada deportācijas.
Konkursa mērķi
Neļaut aizmirst Latvijas vēsturē svarīgus un traģiskus notikumus.
Bērnos un jauniešos veicināt un uzturēt interesi par Latvijas un tās tautu vēsturi komunistiskā padomju režīma okupācijas laikā, pievērst uzmanību Latvijas iedzīvotāju likteņiem Sibīrijas izsūtījumā un mudināt interesēties arī par šobrīd Sibīrijā dzīvojošo bijušo Latvijas iedzīvotāju un latviešu likteņiem. Ļaut bērniem iedziļināties vēstures likumsakarībās un mudināt būt aktīvai sabiedrības daļai. Attīstīt un novērtēt audzēkņu prasmes.
Krievijas iebrukums Ukrainā šī gada februāra beigās un melos pamatotā kara darbība skaudri liek apjaust, ka ir neapšaubāmi svarīgi zināt un izprast savas valsts vēsturi, lai mums blakus augtu un dzīvotu domājoši un patstāvīgi jaunieši. Zināt savas ģimenes un valsts vēsturi, nozīmē spēt redzēt likumsakarības, spēt nepakļauties maldīgai informācijai un būt lepnam par savu valsti un tās brīvību. Continue reading “Zīmējumu konkurss skolēniem līdz 2022. gada 10. maijam.”
2022. gada 17. martā Rīgas kinoteātros tika izrādīta Dzintras Gekas filma “Konstantīns” par Nacionālo pretošanos kustību 2. pasaules kara laikā. 17. marts izraudzīts kā Nacionālās pretošanās kustības piemiņas diena, kuru atzīmēs katru gadu. Sīkāk par filmu “Konstantīns”