Traveling exhibition “Children of Siberia” in schools and museums

In March and April of this year, the traveling exhibition of the “Children of Siberia” Foundation visited several schools and museums in Latvia.
From March 22 to April 2 in Jūrmala museum, Liveta Sprūde-Kalme met with school students, deportees, interested parties, told about the history of her family, expeditions to Siberia and gave lectures to students about deportations.
March 11 at 13:00 – meeting in Valmiera library with Dzintra Geka-Vaska, discussion about the book “Mothers in Siberia”
March 14 to March 28 – traveling exhibition 1949 in the Bauska cultural center
March 20 to March 28 – traveling exhibition 1949 at Olaine 2nd Secondary School
March 21 to March 26 – 429 students visited the exhibition “Children of Siberia” in the Ventspils Museum, Livonian Order Palace. Pupils watched the film “Siberia, a distant land. Why March 25, 1949?”
On March 21, director Dzintra Geka-Vaska and composer Pēteris Vasks visited Ēbelmuiža elementary school.
On the evening of March 21, director Dzintra Geka-Vaska and cameraman Aivars Lubānietis showed the film “The distant land of Siberia. Why did we drive?” in the women’s prison in Iļguciems.
March 23 at 8:00 – Liveta Sprūde-Kalme and pastor Guntis Kalme gave a lecture on the deportation of 1949 at the Bauska State Gymnasium.
March 24 at 17:00 – a meeting of the film crew at the Ventspils museum with school students and the management of the city council, the film “The distant land of Siberia. Why did we drive?”
April 3 at 12:45-13:25 – Liveta Sprūde-Kalme gave a lecture on deportation in 1949 in Jūrmala, Pumpuri High School.
Photo – Liveta Sprūde-Kalme and Guntis Kalme perform at the Bauska State Gymnasium.

Zīmējumu konkurss skolēniem līdz 2023. gada 17. maijam

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Zīmējumu konkurss skolēniem



Lai pievērstu sabiedrības uzmanību Latvijas vēsturei, 1941. gada 14. jūnija un 1949. gada 25. marta vardarbīgajām un nelikumīgajām piespiedu izsūtīšanām uz Sibīriju.

Konkursa organizētājs

Komunistiskā terora upuru atbalsta un palīdzības fonds “Sibīrijas bērni”, Reģ. Nr. 4000805769, Graudu 41a, Rīga, LV–1058.

Konkursa izsludināšanas kārtība

Konkursu izsludina, nosūtot nolikumu uz Latvijas vispārizglītojošo, mākslas un diasporas skolu e–pastiem.

Konkursa tēma

Konkursa kopējā tēma ir Latvijas vēsture – 1941. un 1949. gada deportācijas.

Konkursa mērķi

Neļaut aizmirst Latvijas vēsturē svarīgus un traģiskus notikumus.
Bērnos un jauniešos veicināt un uzturēt interesi par Latvijas un tās tautu vēsturi komunistiskā padomju režīma okupācijas laikā, pievērst uzmanību Latvijas iedzīvotāju likteņiem Sibīrijas izsūtījumā un mudināt interesēties arī par šobrīd Sibīrijā dzīvojošo bijušo Latvijas iedzīvotāju un latviešu likteņiem. Ļaut bērniem iedziļināties vēstures likumsakarībās un mudināt būt aktīvai sabiedrības daļai. Attīstīt un novērtēt audzēkņu prasmes.

Krievijas iebrukums Ukrainā pagājušā gada februārī un melos pamatotā kara darbība skaudri liek apjaust, ka ir neapšaubāmi svarīgi zināt un izprast savas valsts vēsturi, lai mums blakus augtu un dzīvotu domājoši un patstāvīgi jaunieši. Zināt savas ģimenes un valsts vēsturi, nozīmē spēt redzēt likumsakarības, spēt nepakļauties maldīgai informācijai un būt lepnam par savu valsti un tās brīvību. Continue reading “Zīmējumu konkurss skolēniem līdz 2023. gada 17. maijam”

Sacerējumu konkurss skolēniem līdz 2023. gada 17. maijam

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Sacerējumu konkurss skolēniem



Konkursa organizētājs

Komunistiskā terora upuru atbalsta un palīdzības fonds “Sibīrijas bērni”, Reģ. Nr. 4000805769, Graudu 41a, Rīga, LV–1058.


Ar šo konkursu vēlamies rosināt skolēnos interesi par Latvijas vēsturi, par 1941. gada 14. jūnija deportāciju, kuras rezultātā cieta 15425 Latvijas iedzīvotāji, par 1949. gada deportāciju, kad uz Sibīriju tika aizvesti vairāk kā 42 tūkstoši cilvēku. Par 1944. gadu, kad atkārtotas deportācijas draudu un frontes tuvošanās iespaidā vairāk kā 200 tūkstošu Latvijas pilsoņu devās bēgļu gaitās uz rietumiem. Vēlamies mudināt skolēnus izzināt mūsu valsts un savas ģimenes vēsturi, stiprināt skolēnos patriotisma jūtas un piederības sajūtu Latvijai.
Krievijas iebrukums Ukrainā pagājušā gada februārī un melos pamatotā kara darbība skaudri liek apjaust, ka ir neapšaubāmi svarīgi zināt un izprast savas valsts vēsturi, lai mums blakus augtu un dzīvotu domājoši un patstāvīgi jaunieši. Zināt savas ģimenes un valsts vēsturi, nozīmē spēt redzēt likumsakarības, spēt nepakļauties maldīgai informācijai un būt lepnam par savu valsti un tās brīvību. Continue reading “Sacerējumu konkurss skolēniem līdz 2023. gada 17. maijam”

Meeting with the students of Ebelmuiža elementary school

2023 On March 21, the director Dzintra Geka-Vaskas and the composer Pēteris Vasks met шт the Riga Ēbelmuiža elementary school students to tell about March 25, 1949 – the day of remembrance of the victims of the Communist genocide. Hearing-impaired children study at Ebeluiža elementary school. Dzintra Geka-Vaska regularly visits Ēbelmuiža elementary school and this time she presented the book “Mothers in Siberia”, which was donated to the school library.

On March 11, Dzintra Geka-Vaska receives the Rose award

On March 11 of this year, Dzintra Geka-Vaska received the Rose Award and the Letter of Appreciation from the Zonta Club. The Rose Day, which took place in Valmiera for the 17th time, is organized by the Valmiera Zonta club. During it, an outstanding woman receives a certificate of appreciation for her significant contribution to society.

“It is a great honor. During the last year, we have all been associated with thoughts about the war in Ukraine, about the fragile situation in the world, about the abnormal aggressor country Russia. In 1949, my mother hid in a bunker with three small children. There she became close to my father. I’m a bunker kid. I think about strong women, about my mother and many other mothers who gave birth to children in Siberia. It is unimaginable what they went through, so this book is a tribute to mothers, a memory. Thank you for the honor of receiving the award,” said Dzintra Geka-Vaska.

“We give the award, which is dedicated to a strong woman, both as a reminder of a woman’s strength and multi-layered importance in the world, and also to strengthen other women. Ever since last February, when Russia invaded Ukraine, it’s hard to be completely happy about anything. We thank Dzintra Gekai-Vaska for her strength and stories, her tireless care to keep this unimaginably difficult topic in the public eye. But by telling stories of strength, we become stronger,” said Daiga Rokpelne, head of the Valmiera library

Traveling exhibition “Children of Siberia” in Jurmala Museum

Exhibition “Children of Siberia” in Jurmala Museum. Interview with Dzintra Geka and the exiled Parsla Bischof, who was taken to Russia at the age of 5.

The film “The distant land of Siberia. Why March 25, 1949?” and the exhibition “Children of Siberia” in Ventspils in the Livonian Order Palace

The film “The distant land of Siberia.” Why March 25, 1949?” and the exhibition “Children of Siberia” was viewed by 426 Ventspils school studentsю


Memorial concert for the “Taken Away” St. St. John’s Church, March 25 at 4:00 p.m

Deportation victims’ memorial concert “For the Deported”

The “Children of Siberia” foundation invites you to the “Deportees” commemoration concert of the deportation victims of March 25, 1949. The concert will take place in Riga St. St. John’s Church, on March 25 at 16.00

The outstanding mixed choir of the Latvian Academy of Culture “Sõla“, artistic director Kaspars Ādamsons, conductors Artūrs Oskars Mitrevics and Jurģis Rāts, and soloists Annija Kristiāna Ādamsone (soprano), Artūrs Oskars Mitrevics (piano), Ilze Reine (organ) will take part in the concert.

The concert program includes works by Latvian composers Lūcijas Garūtas, Emīlas Dārziņš, Pēteras Vaskas, Pēteras Plakids, Alfrēdas Kalniņas, Jānis Mediņas, Raimonds Tigula, Ārik Ešenvald, etc. compositions.

The mixed choir of the Latvian Academy of Culture “Sōla” was founded in 1998. The choir’s creative biography includes not only solo concerts with programs of various eras and styles, but also cooperation with other collectives in large-scale musical (including dance) projects and participation in charity concerts. “Sōla” regularly participates in choir competitions and festivals organized in Latvia and elsewhere in the world, both in Europe and America, thus popularizing the traditions of Riga and Latvian choirs and choral music outside the borders of Latvia. The choir has recorded four volumes of music.

Annija Kristiāna Ādamsone is the winner of the Pēteras Plakiža Chamber Music Prize and the scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), as well as the laureate of the competition “Ineses Galantes talanti 2021”, she graduated from the JVLMA’s vocal department Antra Jankava’s class and is currently studying her second year of master’s studies at the Opera School, Stuttgart University of Music and Performing Arts with professor Ulrike Sontags. Performs in various concert forms, manifesting in the genre of opera, oratorio, early music, chamber music and contemporary music.

Ilze Reine is not only St. St. John’s Church organist, choir conductor and leader of musical life since 1996, but also a regular concert musician and organ teacher. She taught improvisation and liturgical organ playing at the Luther Academy of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Jāzeps Vītolas Music Academy of Latvia, currently at the Ventspils Music High School. In addition to organ solo programs, he cooperates with various collectives in Latvia.

Artūrs Oskars Mitrevics graduated in 2022 from the Jāzeps Vītolas Latvian Academy of Music in the symphony orchestra conducting class of professor Andras Vecumnieks. Part of Artur’s creative activity is also dedicated to playing the piano. Artūrs has previously participated and received recognition in various competitions in Latvia and abroad. Artūrs is also actively involved in the life of the General Piano Department of the Academy of Music. Currently, as a pianist-concertmaster, Artūrs collaborates with the young conductors at the Riga Cathedral Choir School and the JVLMA, as well as creates collaborations with the brightest singers of his generation, Katrīnas Paula Felsberg, Daniil Kuzmina and Daina Kalnača.

Entrance to the concert is free.

Remembering March 25, 1949

March 25 is coming. We are remembering March 25, 1949, when 42,125 of inhabitants were deported from Latvia. 10,987 of them were children under the age of 16. In 2022, the foundation published the book “Children of Siberia 1949”, which contains the life stories of 165 people who were taken to Siberia as children on March 25, 1949. The book contains maps of the areas, descriptions and photographs from personal archives attached to each interview. The Book can be purchased by ordering on the foundation’s website or by calling +371 2 8643979.

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The new book “Mothers in Siberia” turns out to be relevant in connection with the war in Ukraine

The book “Mothers in Siberia” has become popular in a short time, there is no doubt that it will soon become a bibliographic rarity, just like “School in Siberia”. History repeats itself – the war in Ukraine, the forced flow of refugees and the violent deportation of people to the outskirts of Russia turn out to be a modern reality. Thanks to everyone who promotes and  buys a book, promoting the work of the foundation. On Monday, January 10, an interview with Dzintra Geka “Morning Panorama” is expected on LTV1.

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