Filmas “Ceļš uz Sibīriju1941” pirmizrāde LTV1 14. jūnijā 21:05

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Filma ”Ceļš uz Sibīriju1941” stāsta par cilvēkiem, kuri atgriežas izsūtījuma vietās Sibīrijā, Jeņisejskā, Karaulā, Ustjportā, Biriļusos, Suhanojā, Peņkovā. Kā tur izskatās tagad? Kā sagaida un ko domā vietējie iedzīvotāji Sibīrijā. Filma ir emocionāls un skumjšs vēstījums. Pirmizrādi skatieties  LTV1 14. jūnijā 21:05

“Neaizmirstiet, nenododiet, mūsu vārdā nepiedodiet.” Tā saka Sibīrijas bērni.

Ieskatam piedāvājam 2 klipus no filmas.


 Režisore Dzintra Geka
 Teksta autors Valdis Lūriņš
 Montāžas režisors Artūrs Hnikins
 Operators Aivars Lubānietis
 Komponists Pēteris Vasks
 Režisora asistente Madara Fiļipova
 Filma veidota ar KM atbalstu

Rīta Panorāmā intervija ar Dzintru Geku-Vasku un Valdi Lūriņu

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Šorīt Rīta Panorāmā intervija ar Dzintru Geku-Vasku un Valdi Lūriņu. Šovakar 21.05 skatieties pirmizrādi LTV1 filmai “Kapēc 1949. gada 25. marts?”


Filmas “1949. gada 25. marts” pirmizrāde LTV1 21:05

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25. martā 21:05 LTV1 aicinam visu noskatīties jauno Dzintras Gekas-Vaskas filmu “1949. gada 25. marts“. Šajā datumā no Latvijas uz Sibīriju tika izsūtīti vairāk kā 42129 cilvēki. Lielā slepenībā vienas dienas laikā tika izsūtīts 31 vilciena sastāvs ar lopu vagoniem.

We are preparing a film and a book about deportation to Siberia in 1949

In the Foundation “The Children of Siberia” we are preparing a film for Latvian television about the deportation on March 25, 1949. The film “Far Land Siberia. March 25, 1949” will be aired on LTV1 on March 25. In the film, we will tell in detail how the exits took place, where the families got to, how the children went to school, how they worked, how they hoped to return, how their relatives died. We have interviewed 280 people who were deported to Siberia as children. Excerpts from interviews, photo material and footage in Siberia will form the film’s drama.

Brigita Raševica(Insone)
Brigita Raševica (Insone)

We are also preparing a book “The Children of Siberia. 1949” about places in Siberia, where families were taken in 1949. Tomsk, Omsk regions and the Far East were routes. We hope that the book will be published in April, the work is very big.

Pēteris Simsons
Pēteris Simsons

The deportation of 1949 is one of the most tragic points in the history of Latvia’s modern times. 43,000 people were deported to life in Siberia, including 10,000 children and infants, the elderly and even those raised from the deathbed. Many of the deportees died, others spent long and distressing years in the northern areas of Siberia, in inhumane conditions, fighting for their own lives and the lives of their children. Those who managed to return had lost their health, lost property, lost their roofs over their heads, and had morally and physically destroyed people. Even after the so-called release, the regime treated them with suspicion, did not give them the opportunity to get an education, did not give them the opportunity to build a career or choose a place to live. And it could be seen as a continuation of the genocide. Long before the deportation date itself, lists of deported Latvian families were carefully prepared. With Moscow instructions and local service activities. This will be seen in this film. The property of the deportees was hijacked and distributed to collective farms and state farms, but part of the property was appropriated by those who carried out the deportations. This will also be seen in this film. 75 perpetrators of the Red Flag were awarded to the perpetrators of the 1949 genocide for carrying out deportations in general and for committing inhumane crimes. Of those deported in 1949, 52% were farmers, children and the elderly 18%, and students 16%. Of those deported in 1949, 12% or 4,941 died. The deportations of 1949 were, in a sense, even more brutal than the deportations of 1941. Because, every fourth person deported for life was a child. One in six was over 60 years old. The deportations of 1941 were an attempt to behead the Latvian intelligentsia. The deportations of 1949 were to destroy agriculture and the most active and diligent Latvian farmers, from whom the totalitarian regime feared the most, because the free state of Latvia was based on them.

The children of Siberia. We remember

“The children of Siberia. We remember,” 58 minutes. Year 2020.
Director: Arta Giga
Editing director: Armands Zvirbulis
Producer: Dzintra Geka-Vaska
2001 marked the 60th anniversary of the June 14, 1941 deportation. A live conference was held on Latvian television.
Since then, there have been annual conferences, expeditions to Siberia, and films have been made.
Reviewing the archives of the Siberian Children, it seemed interesting to create an informative and emotional memorial film featuring the Siberian children,
performances by historians and excerpts from films, trips.
Continue reading “The children of Siberia. We remember”

Filma “Katra diena simtgadē. Gadalaiki” pieteikta lielā Kristapa konkursam.

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Filma “Katra diena simtgadē. Gadalaiki” pieteikta lielā Kristapa konkursam.

Film “We remember”

New Dzintra Geka film “We remember”  will be on air at June 14, at 14:15  Latvian TV1.

We are offering to see fragments

Birznieks at Siberian village Ustjport.

Guntis Ulmanis. Conference.

Dancers and Dzidra


Фильм Дзинтры Геки „Помни Сибирь”

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Документальный фильм Дзинтры Геки „Помни о Сибирь” 2010 года. Приятного просмотра!

Это 15 425 нереализованных судеб, тысячи разоренных семей и уничтоженных жизней, сотни непостроенных домов, тысячи гектаров невспаханных полей, сотни ненаписанных книг и стихов, ненаписанных картин, несочиненных музыкальных произведений, миллион несказанных добрых слов, миллиард недуманных мыслей и мечтаний. Это тысячи неродившихся детей… это ласка, которую неполучили те, кто остались сиротами и вдовами. Continue reading “Фильм Дзинтры Геки „Помни Сибирь””

Tālā zeme Sibīrija 2019. 1 un 2 daļa. 25. martā 17:00

Filmu pirmizrādes pārceltas uz 25. martu 17:00

Tālā zeme Sibīrija.Tomskas apgabals 1949 – Petuhova, Teguļdeta, Asino. Dokumentāla filma. 2020. gada 25. martā pulksten 17:00 skatieties pirmizrādi LTV1 , uzreiz pēc tam 2. daļa. Noriļska. Lamas ezers.

Laikā kad visiem jāsēž mājās, piedāvājam noskatīties.

Sveiciens no Sibīrijas.

Igarka, cerība un Taurenis.

Piedāvājam arī noskatīties filmas “Tālā zeme Sibīrija 2018.gads”