Grāmatas «Sibīrijas bērni» abi sējumi latviešu un angļu valodā pieejami pie mums Fondā «Sibīrijas bērni»

Grāmatas «Sibīrijas bērni» abi sējumi latviešu un angļu valodā pieejami pie mums Fondā «Sibīrijas bērni»: 4 комментария

  1. Are the books «The Children of Siberia» Parts 1 and 2 available for purchase and shipping to Australia?
    Could you tell me the cost of purchase, the shipping cost, and approximate delivery time?

  2. I am interested in purchasing both volumes of The Children of Siberia. Could you please inform me of the price for both books and the amount for shipping to the United States (Iowa). My aunt, Dzidra Vavere Dabolina, is featured in the second volume. Also, what methods of payment do you accept?

    Thank you in advance for your response.

    Warm regards,

    Patricia Coon

  3. Labdien! Es veeleetos sho graamatu, vai juus nepateiktu, kur Latvijaa to var nopirkt un cik taa maksaa, man radi brauc ciemos visaa driizumaa, un vareetu man to atvest uz Ameriku. Paldies jau ieprieksh!

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